Who We Are

Meet Our Team

Welcome to The Port – a safe harbor along life’s journey.  Our Port staff is passionate about meeting you where you’re at and providing you safe passage into our church family.  We welcome you with Open Hearts, Open Minds and Open Doors.

Pastor Steve Reiser

Pastor Steve Reiser


People need community. It took me years to admit that for myself. The church must offer community. The Missio Dei (God’s Mission) is to offer community to all of Creation. God’s Trinity demonstrates perfect community. The Church’s Mission (Missio Ecclesia) is to be the “place” where God’s Mission happens. Not everyone can hear God’s voice or recognize God’s offer of Community in the same way. I am passionate that we extend community, not from within our four walls, but in the locations where people live.

Today is the perfect time to be in ministry. People need connection and grace. The church is perfectly placed and equipped to be a connection, to show grace.

Lori Livingston

Lori Livingston

Church Secretary

Lori is our church secretary and if you need to get something done, Lori is the place to start.  Lori has been a lifetime member of The Port!  She is passionate about the church and its success!  She is a creative thinker and leader for The Port.

Judy Richardson-Mahre

Judy Richardson-Mahre

Worship Leader, Leader of the Worship Committee and Leader of the Sonrise group and other worship singers

Judy is a lifetime member of The Port and is passionate about music and worship. She leads the Worship singers and provides her gifts and talents weekly to help lead the worship service.

Barb Andrus

Barb Andrus

Staff Parish/Relations Chair

Nancy Hagerty

Nancy Hagerty

Missions Chair

Pam Rose

Pam Rose

Finance Chair

Kathy Swenson

Kathy Swenson

Church Council Chair