News From The PORT Archives


May 2018 Portlight

April 26th 2018 MST

Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, The May Portlight is attached for your reading. This weekend is our Children, Youth & Family Ministries Garage & Bake Sale (Friday 4/27 from 9 am - 5 pm) and (Saturday 4/28 from 8 am - Noon; with the $5 bag sale starting at 11:00 am). We could use more help for cleanup at noon (and the bag sale at 11:00 am, if you could come just a little early).   We will celebrate our Music Ministries and appreciate our Sunday School Leaders on Sunday, May 20 during worship a ...Continue Reading

April 2018 Portlight

March 29th 2018 MST

Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, The April Portlight is attached for your reading. We hope to see you Easter Sunday, April 1. Here's the schedule: [*] 8:00 am - Sunrise Service [*] 8:45 - 9:30 am - Easter Breakfast (free will offering) [*] 10:00 am - Traditional Worship We are also gearing up for the Children, Youth, and Family Garage Sale on April 27 and 28. See details on the cover. If you'd rather access the newsletter on the website, you'll find it here: ...Continue Reading

March 2018 Portlight

February 22nd 2018 MST

Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, The March Portlight is attached for your reading. If you would like to contribute to our Easter Garden this year, you must turn in an order form by Sunday March 4 with payment to either the Ellen Smith or the church office. There is an order form in your Portlight this month on page 5, or you can find them in the church office, or Sunday morning on the table in the Narthex. If you'd rather access the newsletter on the website, you'll find it here: ...Continue Reading

February 2018 Portlight

January 30th 2018 MST

Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, The February Portlight is attached for you. Be sure to attend our Adult Fellowship Brunch on February 18! Lent begins this month with Ash Wednesday worship at Church of Peace in Richfield on February 14 at 6:30 pm. Small groups will also start up this month (more information on that on page 4). The newsletter is also available on the website here:; and if you've missed a recent sermon, you may listen to it here:&n ...Continue Reading

January 2018 Portlight

December 26th 2017 MST

Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, Attached is the January edition of The Portlight newsletter. There's an opportunity for fellowship in playing BINGO on Saturday, January 13 at 2:00 pm, and also an important meeting (Annual All Church Conference) on Sunday, January 28. More details, as well as pictures of the Children's Christmas Program, are found inside this edition of your monthly newsletter. The newsletter is also available on the website here: ...Continue Reading

December 2017 Portlight

November 30th 2017 MST

Dear friends of The PORT, The December Portlight is attatched.  This coming Saturday, December 2, 2017 will be our "Hanging of the Greens" at 10:00am.  We have plenty of decorating for everyone to do, but with many hands we should be finished in an hour or two. Also, this Sunday is the deadline for returning "Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes." There is more information on page four. The newsletter is also available on the website here: ...Continue Reading

November 2017 Portlight Newsletter

November 2nd 2017 MST

Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, The November Portlight is attached for you. This Sunday is All Saints' Day, so we'll honor those who have gone before us since last year. And, of course, the annual holiday bazaar is next week, so this is certainly a great time to get involved here at church. Read all about the opportunities and details in this edition of the Portlight. The newsletter is also available on the website here:; and if you've missed a ...Continue Reading

October 2017 Portlight

September 29th 2017 MST

Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, The October Portlight is attached for you. This week is Gratitude Sunday in worship, as well as World Communion Sunday (so we'll receive a special offering for national and international graduate students). Planning for the annual Holiday Bazaar is also ramping up (more details on page 7). The newsletter is also available on the website here:; and if you've missed a recent sermon, you may listen to it here: h ...Continue Reading

September Portlight

September 1st 2017 MST

Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, The September Portlight is attached for you. In it you'll see all sorts of opportunities to get engaged in and outside the church in order to make the world a better check it out! There is also an order form for this year's Gratitude Garden, which is a beautiful display of fall flowers to represent what we are grateful for in life. Orders are due September 10 with payment. You may choose a flower to purchase, write what or who you're grateful for on the order form, an ...Continue Reading

August 2017 Portlight

July 29th 2017 MST

Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, Hot off the press - the August Portlight is attached for your reading. Tomorrow we're having our annual Outdoor Worship with a Blessing of the Animals, followed by a BBQ lunch. Bring your furry friends and enjoy worship outside. This is a perfect day to invite a friend or neighbor to come to church with you. We're also planning another Gratitude Garden for Sunday, October 1. Now's the time to get your order in for that. The order form is a separate attachment to this email, and ...Continue Reading
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