March 2nd 2019 MST
Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, Here's the link to access the March newsletter on our website: In light of the many questions that have arisen since the outcome of General Conference 2019 was announced, Pastor Carol will host a Q & A session after worship this Sunday, March 3. Please bring your questions and we'll have a conversation. It's also time to order Easter Garden Flowers (p. 4), and please notice the Congregational Care Team is hosting BINGO as a ...Continue Reading
February 1st 2019 MST
Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, Here's the link to access the February newsletter on our website February 2019 Portlight. We will be having a Valentine Brunch on February 17, more information on the cover. If you'd like to look back on previous newsletters on the website, you'll find them here:; and if you've missed a recent sermon, you may listen to it here: We hope to see you soon at Th ...Continue Reading
December 27th 2018 MST
Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, Here's the link to access the January edition of the Portlight newsletter: . In the new year, we're going to take a deeper look at the Fruit of the Spirit on Sunday mornings in worship. Paul talks about them in Galatians 5:22-23. Of course, the newsletter is full of other items coming up, as well as a fun look back at Christmas 2018. If you'd like to look back on previous newsletters on the website, you'll find them here: htt ...Continue Reading
November 29th 2018 MST
Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, Here's the link to access the November newsletter on our website: Christmas is coming, with many opportunities to invite a friend to come to church with you, with a new Choir Cantata being presented on Dec. 16, the Children's Christmas Program on Dec. 23, and Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship on Dec. 24. Another new thing this year is that the youth are preparing a pancake brunch fundraiser after the Children's Christmas Pro ...Continue Reading
November 1st 2018 MST
Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, Here's the link to access the November newsletter on our website November 2018 Portlight. Christmas Poinsettia orders are due on Tuesday, November 6 to Ellen Smith. For more information on that check out page Page 4. The Holiday Bazaar is coming! Check out page 6 for all the details. If you'd like to look back on previous newsletters on the website, you'll find them here:; and if you've missed a re ...Continue Reading
September 27th 2018 MST
Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, Here's the link to access the October newsletter on our website October 2018 Portlight. This Sunday is the last Sunday you can sign up for a Small Group, because they start next week. Breakfast Buddies is back! If you would like more information on participating, you can find more information on Page 5. Sunday October 28, we will be having a Potluck after worship! If you'd like to look back on previous newsletters on the website, you'll find them here: http://paumc.o ...Continue Reading
August 29th 2018 MST
Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, Here's a link to access the September newsletter on our website: Rally Day is September 9, which marks a return to our program year schedule, which includes Sunday School, Choirs, and Coffee Fellowship in addition to Worship. Children and Youth Sunday School will begin at 9:00 am this year (we're trying it out to see how it will go). Children's Choir will then rehearse from 9:30-9:40, after which children can grab a snack i ...Continue Reading
August 2nd 2018 MST
Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, Here's the link to access the August newsletter on our website This Sunday, August 5, the Drop-in Choir will be blessing us with special music, so please come for rehearsal at 9:15 am if you'd like to join in singing with your friends. We will be serving breakfast at Simpson Shelter on Saturday, August 25, planning to carpool from the church at 4:30 am and returning between 8:30 or 9:00 am. For more informatio ...Continue Reading
June 27th 2018 MST
Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, Here's the link for the July newsletter This is the month we are collecting school supplies for VEAP. Our outdoor worship will be on July 22 this year. Be sure to bring your pet with you so that Pastor Carol can give him or her a blessing. Pastor Carol will be hosting a small group study this summer beginning August 5. It is called Living Faithfully: Human Sexuality and The United Methodist Church, and it will help our co ...Continue Reading
May 24th 2018 MST
(Mailing list information, including how to remove yourself, is located at the end of this message.) Dear Members and Friends of The PORT, Here is a link to the June Portlight Please note that June 3 is Confirmation Sunday. Come to worship at 10:00 am as we welcome five Confirmands into membership here at The PORT. This is a big step in their faith journey, so come and help celebrate with them! My apologies for failing to attach a pdf copy of the newsletter like you'r ...Continue Reading
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